Saturday, April 07, 2007

The fridge is bare

If I have neglected to post here on No Fridge Too Big for a while, it is only because my attentions have been diverted by constructing Harry McFry Investgates.

Readers of this blog can be assured, however, that it is only a matter of time before a Harry McFry fridge magnet is issued.

On such a momentous occasion, you can be sure you will be the first to know.

Monday, February 05, 2007

On My Bedside Table

Next to the tattered copy of last month's What Fridge Magnet Monthly, the most thumbed item on my bedside table at the moment is this fine novella by an emerging author from New Hampshire, USA. No mention of fridge magnets yet, but it can only be a matter of time...

Catch Harry McFry Investigates while it's still hot.

Attack of the Killer Fridge Magnets!

Anyone who has ever had a fridge magnet fall off their fridge and onto their foot could probably attest that they can be very dangerous items if not handled correctly. Despite their rounded edges, many people have reported experiencing a 'slight tap' in such circumstances.

Meanwhile, alarming news has reached us of more serious consequences of fridge magnet ownership. This article from the BBC tells it all, and readers are advised to think extremely carefully before wearing any fridge magnet as an item of jewelry. Although the scare is only linked to a particular type of magnet (and not the kind used in the manufacture of magnets flogged by The Fridge Magnet Magnate), it may be a wise precaution to refrain from hugging your fridge.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's been a while...

What can I say? You know how it is - you start a blog, full of good intentions, planning to post witty asides about the wonderful world of fridge magnets, and then somehow life overtakes you.

Anyway, life certainly overtook Shawn McDowell, whose mighty collection of 4,000 fridge magnets was up for auction earlier this year, for the very reasonable sum of $15,000. Some people might think that's a lot of money for a bunch of fridge magnets, but for those of us 'in the business' we figure that $3.75 a pop is not a bad deal, all round.

Anyone who missed Shawn's auction is more than welcome to contact me, and I'll see if I can't come up with a similar offer for you. I might even be able to shave a few dollars off the total, if you speak to me nicely!